This Month's Worst Romance Movie



I find I have watched far too many of these. Guilty pleasures? Maybe they're like that 3 car pile-up you can't help staring at. Or sometimes I think they're more like a piece of cheap birthday cake that you would ordinarily be able to walk past and stick to your diet. But at 3 am it suddenly looks awesome. You'd rather be blowing your diet on something expensive and rich but this is what ends up in your mouth and sliding into your stomach. And when you think about it tomorrow, and you will more than once...bleh.

5/6/22 After. Yes, I have watched this. I am deeply ashamed. There are no words for what a train wreck it is. And the way it paints passionate love as all consuming and utterly destructive of rational/personal intelligence is mind-blowing. Romeo and Juliet look like Rhodes Scholars by comparison.

6/6/22 Twilight...I'm not sure what's more disturbing. Edward's glorified stalker behavior, the romanticizing of Bella's suicidal obsession, or the fact that I actually sat through all 5 of these movies. Why? I will never get those 10+ hours back.



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